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At the start of the school year, parents and students are invited to turn in the following form to the main office. 

Handbook & Technology Agreement

The Diocese of Austin requires that the school keep a record indicating that each family has read and agrees to abide by the information provided in the school handbook and understands the Technology and Internet Acceptable Use Policy. A hard copy receipt signed by a parent/guardian will need to be turned in to the school.


Students at Holy Family Catholic School are often photographed. Sometimes we like to include these photos in school publications, our school website, and our social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) for various purposes including publicity, marketing, public relations, and student recruitment. Individual student identities of those pictures are never published by us, and we do not authorize the media to do so unless Parent permission is granted. All Parents are required to select Yes or No on the Publication Authorization form. 

2024-25 Publication Authorization

Dismissal after school

We feel that the safest means for your child to be picked up from school is to follow the standard traffic procedure for dismissal using the School Pass app. The plan allows for the supervision of your child by school personnel until s/he is in your car, thereby eliminating many of the dangers associated with crossing additional traffic and access to the general public.  For further information on the School Pass app, please view the user guide.

School Pass User Guide

Walker or Biker Designation

However, for various reasons such as living close to school, parents have requested that their child be permitted to walk off of the campus at dismissal time. While we hope that you will exercise caution with this practice, the school will accept a parent’s written request for a “walker” designation. Children who exit the campus in this fashion are not permitted to wait for their parents on the property of our neighbors, St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School or St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church. Please read the following permission form carefully before signing. One form is required annually for each family that uses this designation with one or more children.

2024-25 Walker/Biker Permission Form

After-School Care Permission

Several after-school programs are permitted to pick up and transport children by the program personnel in an after-school care program vehicle. After-school care program vehicles will pick up on normal school days by 3:30 pm in the front parking lot. View the Permission to Release to After School Care Program to view more information and details. 

2024-25 After School Program Release                        

Nurse's office forms

A medication permit form is necessary if a student needs to take medication at the school. Please turn in any of these forms to the nurse's office as needed.  

Athletics Forms

Prior to participating in any sport, parents are required to register their children online on the Family ID Portal.

The Athletic Physical Form needs to be completed and uploaded to your account on Family ID. 

2024-25 Physical Form