Faith Life
As a Catholic school, we are committed to providing a strong Catholic identity through daily prayer, religious education, faith formation, activities focusing on the liturgical seasons and traditions of our faith. Our classrooms and school are enhanced with expressions of our Christian beliefs. Elements of a Catholic environment can be seen throughout the campus. Our faculty and parent community remain committed to our mission to nurture the growth of each child's spiritual formation, with a goal to foster a commitment to know, love and serve God and one another.
Daily Prayer
Every morning, the entire school starts the day together in prayer. Our school principal, Mrs. Vu, leads the school in prayer and focuses prayer on particular feast days and acknowledges the Saint of each day.
Each week, students in first through eighth grades participate in Holy Mass, celebrated by one of the priests from our seven supporting parishes. Pre-K and Kindergarten students begin Mass participation more slowly, with a focus on learning proper participation in the liturgy. Our school liturgy is a beautiful, reverent celebration of the Mass, enhanced by student altar servers, readers, gift bearers, choir, and cantors.
Prayer Service
Prayer Services are celebrated during the school year to facilitate the participation of the whole school in the celebration of Advent, Holy Week, and the end of the school year. The Advent Program is a school-wide production focused on the scriptures and music of the church history and the advent season. Holy Week Prayer Service is a dramatic and musical representation of Biblical events that are celebrated during Holy Week. This liturgy is created, hosted, and presented to the rest of the school population by the Fourth Grade classes. Our end of the year prayer service reflects the student and community life experienced throughout the school year. It is lead by the newly elected student council officers who will serve in leadership the next school year. Other prayer services are created and celebrated as various needs arise during any given school year.
Religion Curriculum
The religion curriculum is taught daily by a Catholic teacher and the basic tenets of our faith are integrated throughout our curriculum and school life. The curriculum is based on the religious education requirements of the Diocese of Austin and Texas Catholic Conference Accreditation Commission. The curriculum includes knowledge and application of concepts regarding the sacraments of the Catholic Church, however, students can receive the sacraments of First Communion and First Reconciliation in their home parish. Although participation in separate sacramental preparation classes through the parish is usually not required, students and their families may be required to attend several meetings.