Student Life
Holy Family guides students to become conscientious, successful members of a global community. There are numerous activities that support the development of students socially, such as introducing the Buddy Program between younger and older students, encouraging involvement through Student Council, middle school dances, family gatherings and much more.
Before and After School Activities
Students can engage their interests in a variety of Before/Afterschool Activities, such as;
Altar Service (6th-8th grades) | Art Classes (K-4th Grades) | Ballet/Jazz (3rd - 5th Grades) | Cub Scouts (K-8th Grades) | Cantors for Liturgy (4th-8th) | Chess Club (3rd - 5th Grades) | Choir (3rd - 8th Grades) | Creative Movement (K-2nd Grades) | One-Act Play (6th - 8th Grades) | PSIA (1st -8th Grades) | Extreme Math (5th - 8th Grades)