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“To begin is for everyone, to persevere is for saints” St. Josemaria Escriva

January 9, 2025

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! As the new semester starts, the students and teachers have been reviewing expectations throughout campus. All the student expectations are geared to helping our students grow in virtue one choice at a time. All the behavior expectations are centered around growing in virtues of responsibility, respect, kindness, and self-control.

For more information about the expectations for the different areas of campus, please visit our website: Student Expectations - Holy Family Catholic School

Report cards will be sent electronically tomorrow, and the second round of MAP testing is scheduled to begin next week. Please see the information from your child’s teacher regarding the scheduled dates for MAP testing. Students are encouraged to get plenty of sleep and eat breakfast before the MAP test.

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace and goodwill toward men” Luke 2:14

December 19, 2024

Dear Parents,

It is less than one week until Christmas. During this week, the students have been wrapping up their learning, and the anticipation of the break has been building. Today at Mass, we were challenged to be Jesus to someone else this Advent season as we wait with joyful Hope for Jesus.

Today, I would like to share that we have hired a school counselor. Our new guidance counselor will begin at the start of the new year. I will send out a formal introduction after the break so that our community can begin to be acquainted with our new counselor.

You and your family will be in my prayers during the Christmas season. I pray that you have a safe and peaceful Christmas break. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 7. We will see you in a few weeks!

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.’ Then the angel departed from her.” - Luke 1:38

December 5, 2024

Dear Parents,

This season of Advent, I have spent some time pondering our Blessed Mother and her “yes.” As Mary tells the Angel Gabriel that she would be the mother of Jesus, I have thought about the fact the Mary’s “yes” was not one yes in one moment in time but rather a posture of saying yes to the Lord and living a life that follows Christ.

During the season of Advent, I think we are all called to reflect on the times in our life when we say “yes” to the Lord. In my own reflection, I am reminded of the times that I have followed God’s prompting in my heart. Some of these moments are big, such as saying yes to the vocation of marriage, but other moments are small such as smiling to an individual. In reflection, these moments bring forward fruit from saying “yes.”

I can also recall times when I have not followed God’s call. I make mistakes, and I sin. These moments remind me that even in my brokenness that I can be a person of Hope because God has given us the gift of Reconciliation, and He desires for us to run to the sacrament.

This Advent season, I pray that we remain people of Hope as we reflect on the blessings that God has given us. Let us be people who follow Mary’s model and say “yes” to God.

Next week, we will have several opportunities to ponder our Blessed Mother. We will attend Mass on December 9 for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. On Thursday, we will reflect on Our Lady of Guadalupe with a special prayer during morning announcements. Then, on December 13, we will attend our monthly Adoration. On Friday, students are invited to bring a rose to our Blessed Mother before Adoration begins.

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“I will praise the name of God with a song and will magnify Him with Thanksgiving.”  - Psalm 69:30

November 21, 2024

Dear Parents,

Next week, we do not have classes due to Thanksgiving. The classes will resume on December 2. As we step away from campus, I pray that you and your family have a safe and restful week. Whether you are traveling out of state or staying home, I hope you and your family have the opportunity to build memories with one another.

As we return from Thanksgiving break, it will be December! During the month, we have many special events planned for our students. Here are a few of the big events happening:

· December 3: PK-5 Advent Concert at 6:00 p.m.

· December 5: Choir, Band, and Orchestra Concert at 6:00 p.m.

· December 14: Jingle and Mingle

· December 17: Theater I Performance at 6:00 p.m.

· December 19: Theater II Performance at 6:00 p.m.

· December 20: Last day of class before Christmas break

Thank you to all our generous donors for the 2024 fund-a-need. Yesterday, we received our Ford transit van which will be used to help transport students to off-campus events and projects. This vehicle was in addition to the golf cart that we use on campus daily. Thank you!

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“When we go before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, we represent the one in the world who is in most need of God’s mercy."  - St. John Paul II

November 15, 2024

Dear Parents,

After we return from Thanksgiving, it will be December. During this season of Advent, there will be several student showcases. Please mark your calendars!

· December 3: PK-5 Advent Concert at 6:00 pm

· December 5: Choir, Band, and Orchestra Concert at 6:00 pm

· December 17: Theatre I Performance at 6:00 pm

· December 19: Theatre II Performance at 6:00 pm

The students have been working hard in their elementary music classes for the Advent Concert on December 3, and the middle school elective classes have been busy preparing for their concerts as well. These evenings are great ways for families to come together and celebrate the many talents that our students have.

For more information about the many events in December, please visit the calendar on our school website: Calendar - Holy Family Catholic School

All families are invited to participate in our fall survey. If you have not completed the survey yet, please click this link. The survey will remain open through November 21, and we would like feedback from as many families as possible. Thank you for your honest feedback!

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“Joy, with peace, is the sister of charity. Serve the Lord with laughter.” Saint Padre Pio

November 7, 2024

Dear Parents,

Next week, we will have our inaugural Humanities Night on Wednesday, November 13, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. During the event, the gym will be open, and families can view the exciting work that the students have completed in the disciplines of English, Spanish, Social Studies, Religion, and the Arts.

Additionally, families are invited to engage in interactive sessions during the evening as well:

Healthy Habits with Mr. Ligon
5:30 p.m. and 6:15 p.m.

Never too Old for Stories with Mrs. Vu
5:15 p.m. Picture Books

6:00 p.m. Short Story

Our Frozen Planet Interactive Library Show with Dr. Khan
5:00 p.m. and 5:45 p.m.

Graphic Novel Fun with Dr. Khan
Throughout the evening

Family Improvisation with Ms. Soto
5:00 p.m., 5:45 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

On Friday, families will also be receiving the fall survey. This information helps us make determinations on how to continually improve as we continue to build our mission here at Holy Family. Thank you for your honest feedback!

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me,”  -Matthew 25:35

October 31, 2024

Dear Parents,

As we conclude October, I would like to start by expressing my gratitude to our Parent Association who hosted a wonderful Eat and Treat this year.

All families are invited to mark their calendars for Humanities Night on November 13 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. The event will showcase student work connected with our faith, writing, reading, social studies, and the arts. There will be an exhibit in the gym with student work from across the grade levels on display. Additionally, there will be interactive sessions that families can participate in together. We hope to see you there!

It’s difficult to believe that the holidays will be here soon, but tomorrow is the start of a new month. I would like to share a new initiative that is intended to provide new families with the opportunity to experience our wonderful school. The new initiative is called: 3rd Quarter for Free, and it will allow families an opportunity to come to our school for the third quarter. It is our expectation and hope that new students will finish the year with us and return for the following year.

If you know a family who may be interested in joining our wonderful community, please share this new initiative with them. For more information, please read the full explanation here.

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“I can’t do big things, but I want everything for the glory of God.” St. Dominic Savio

October 24, 2024

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your generosity and loving service to those in need! The fundraiser for the Catholic schools and their communities who have been impacted by hurricane Helene and hurricane Milton was a huge success! As a community, families donated $3,384.50 for the dress down day, and we had 22 faculty and staff members bake treats which raised $1,029.81.

Hopefully, all our families have been able to review the MAP scores for their child and discuss the individual learning goals that your child has for the next quarter. As a campus, we continue to look at the data from the NWEA MAP test, I would like to share a little more information about the schoolwide data from the fall MAP scores.

The median achievement score shows how the students at Holy Family compare with all the students to take the NWEA MAP test. When looking at the percentile scores, it shows that the median percentile score is higher than that percentage of students who took the test. On the fall MAP test, the median score is as follows:

Math Median Percentile - 76%

Reading Median Percentile - 78%

Language Median Percentile - 81%

Science Median Percentile - 86%

The other data that we review as a faculty and staff are the growth percentiles. Each student has a personalized number of points that they need to grow in order to remain at the same percentile ranking. As a school, we can also review the median percentile growth for our student population. In general, when the school achievement scores are high, it is expected that the growth percentile will be in the average range, 41%-60%, because the median scores are already in the high average range, 61%-80%, or the high range 81% or higher.

The growth median percentile shows the median growth for students who took the MAP test in the fall of 2023 and the fall of 2024. The data do not reflect students who are new to Holy Family this year or students who are in first grade this year. The language and science do not reflect the scores of current second grade students since students do not take these tests until second grade.

Math Median Growth Percentile from Fall 2023-2024 - 45%

Reading Median Growth Percentile from Fall 2023-2024 - 52%

Language Median Growth Percentile from Fall 2023-2024 - 55%

Science Median Growth Percentile from Fall 2023-2024 - 59%

The Holy Family data show that generally students are growing at an average rate. The lowest growth rate is in math. As a school, our faculty is discussing ways that we can better support the individual learning needs of students with a particular focus in math. Developing better ways to meet the learning needs of students in the classroom has been a focus in our professional development sessions as well as coaching sessions that our teachers have with instructional coaches who support the individual professional growth of our teachers at Holy Family.

If you have individual questions about your child’s academic growth, please reach out to your child’s teacher.

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“Let each of us look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” Philippians 2:4

October 17, 2024

Dear Parents,

As a community of faith, we are called to lovingly serve those in need. Over the last few weeks, several communities have been devastated by hurricanes. Both Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton have left schools and families without access to basic needs.

The most important thing we can do is to continue to pray for all those impacted by the hurricanes, but many in our community are looking for tangible ways to help. After having discussions with families, faculty, and students, we will be hosting a fundraiser on Wednesday, October 23. Students are welcome to participate in two ways.

· Jeans and College shirt day: Students and faculty are encouraged to make a donation in order to wear jeans and a college shirt. The suggested donation is $5, and families can give through this link.

· Bake Sale: The faculty and staff will be baking and sharing baked goods at all student lunches. Items will be $1 to $2.

To help students participate in the relief, students are encouraged to earn money to participate in the fundraiser. Ideas include doing extra chores around the house to earn funds and using their allowance if they earn one.

All proceed will go to support 5 Catholic schools and their communities who have been impacted by these natural disasters.

In the Diocese of Charlotte, three mountain region schools need our help: Ashville Catholic School, Canongate Catholic High School, and Immaculata Catholic School. For more information on the needs in the community, please read this letter from the Superintendent of Catholic Schools in the diocese: Diocese of Charlotte Letter.

In the Diocese of Venice Beach, I spoke with the Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Fr. John Belmonte to learn where our support was most in need. Fr. Belmonte shared the names of two Catholic school communities in need of assistance: St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton, Florida and Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers, Florida.

Thank you for your active engagement in our student-led conferences this week. The conferences were a little different this year. Feedback from the parents and teachers will be used to inform the decision-making process for how to make the conferences even better in the future.

Thank you for your honest feedback: Conference Feedback Form.

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“The human heart is drawn by love.” St. Catherine of Siena

October 10, 2024

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow, the students in grades 1-8 will bring their NWEA MAP scores home from the fall testing window. The report will provide your child’s achievement and growth (if they have tested previously). This is a snapshot of your student’s progress at this time, and the information has been shared with your child as they have set goals for the next quarter. At the conferences on Monday, your child’s teacher will be able to discuss the MAP scores for your child in more detail.

In reviewing the school-wide data, our students continue to perform very well on the MAP test. The median score refers to the middle score for the students who took the test. On the MAP test, our students’ median score was in the top 25% for each subject.

For the median percentile, the number means that our students performed better when compared with their peers. For example, in Science, students at Holy Family performed better than 86% of students who took the MAP test in their grade level across the country.

In reviewing each grade level when compared with students who took the MAP test within the diocese and the nation, the students also performed very well.

Students in grades 1-8 took the Math and Reading test this fall.

I am so proud to see our students do their best on the MAP test. The students are scheduled to take the Winter MAP test beginning January 13 with the diocesan testing window opens again.

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“I would rather have learning joined with virtue than all the treasures of kings.”  - St. Thomas More

October 3, 2024

Dear Parents,

Thank you to the families who attended the Parent Education Night yesterday. Thank you to everyone who helped present last night: Sgt. Gonzales, Mrs. Carson, Mr. Cullen, Mrs. Griffin, Dr. Khan, Mrs. Morley, and Ms. Tran.

The keynote presentation by Sgt. Gonzales highlighted several ways that parents can help to protect their children online. The presentation also discussed the work that her unit does to help protect children.

To recap the break-out sessions, a PDF of the presentations are available in this newsletter.

This is the second year that we have hosted this event for our families, and we are requesting your feedback to help make the Parent Education Night better in the future. Whether you attended the event or not, we welcome you to complete this brief survey. Thank you.

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“God dwells in our midst in the blessed sacrament of the altar.” - St. Maximilian Kolbe

September 26, 2024

Dear Parents,

On October 14, student-led conferences will be held at school, and there will be no school on that day. The conferences will provide a chance for teachers, students, and parents to come together, discuss what the student has been learning and share goals for the coming semester.

During the student-led conferences, your child will lead the conversation. There will be an opportunity for the students to share what they are learning in their core content areas. This will include artifacts and work samples. Then, there will be a chance to discuss assessments including class tests, the MAP scores in grades 1-8, and DIBELS in K-2. The conference will culminate with a discussion about the individual goals for the child.

The goal of the conferences will be for students to be empowered to share their learning and for the family and teacher to come together to support the student as a team.

In grades PK-5, the parents will schedule the conference with the homeroom teacher. In grades 6-8, the parents will schedule the conference with the advisory teacher. If families have a specific concern, they are always welcome to schedule an individual conference with the teacher to discuss a specific concern with the teacher.

Parents will receive an email with the sign-up links for the conferences in a separate email on Monday.

As a reminder, the Board of Advisors will be posting the approved Board minutes summary from August on the school website. The approved minutes will be posted on Monday. We are thankful to these dedicated volunteers for their faith-filled guidance and support.

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“God dwells in our midst in the blessed sacrament of the altar.” - St. Maximilian Kolbe

September 19, 2024

Dear Parents,

September 20 is professional development day for our teachers. There are no classes for students. We hope you enjoy the long weekend!

During the professional development day, the teachers will spend time reviewing student data. This includes student MAP data in grades 1-8, DIBELS scores in grades K-2, and student data from class assignments and tests. The teachers will also map out instructional strategies for supporting students in their classes for the next few months. Teacher teams will plan strategies to teach grade level skills, scaffold for students who need extra support, and build opportunities for students to be stretched if they need a challenge.

The window for the NWEA MAP test is still open. We are still administering make-up assessments next week. Once the Diocese of Austin closes the testing window, our faculty will be able to review the schoolwide data.

Parents will receive the testing data for their child on October 11 when it is sent home by your child’s teacher. The teachers will review your child’s data at the student-led conferences on October 14. More information on how to sign up for conferences will be sent home by the end of September.

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“Listen with the ear of your heart.” St. Benedict

September 12, 2024

Dear Parents,

This week, Mr. Cullen and I met with the project manager for the new playground. The installation is scheduled to begin on Monday, September 16. This project is anticipated to take about 3 days to complete.

During the project completion, there are a few important safety expectations. Families should not be on the back field during the installation of the playground. The crew will be using heavy equipment, and it is important that the area be free from onlookers. During the installation days, the students will not have recess on the field.

The site of the new playground is near the road that parents use for the carline. The project manager has shared that the traffic flow for arrival and dismissal should not be impacted by the crew.

Once the playground is complete, we look forward to welcoming the students to the new structure.

As a reminder, there are no classes scheduled on Friday, September 20 due to a faculty professional development day. Mark your calendars for student conferences on October 14. More information will be sent home soon!

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“You ask me whether I am in good spirits. How could I not be so? As long as faith gives me strength, I will always be joyful!” - Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

August 29, 2024

Dear Parents,

The first few weeks of school are going fast. As we approach our first 3-day weekend, I pray that you and your family can rest.

Next week we will have our Back to School Nights. The Back to School Night on September 4 is for families with children in grades PK-4. The evening will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the gym followed by sessions hosted in your child’s classroom.

The Back to School Night on September 5 is for families with children in grades 5-8. The evening will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the gym followed by the opportunity to walk your child’s schedule. A copy of your child’s schedule will be available in the gym. Families with multiple children in grades 5-8 may choose to pick and choose the classes to visit between the different schedules.

God Bless,

Erin Vu

“The things that we love tell us what we are.”  - St. Thomas Aquinas

Dear Parents,

As our second week of school continues, I hope that your families are starting to get into the rhythm of the school year.

This year, we have many exciting opportunities for our community to come together. I hope that you and your family will join us for many events. There is truly something for everyone. The STEAM night is back for the third year in a row, and we are also introducing a Humanities Night. There are family events like the Taste of the World and Jingle and Mingle. There are also adult-only events like the Gala.

Today, I am sharing a document that outlines many scheduled events that are happening this year. With such a vibrant school, there is always something going on, and we hope you will join us! Additionally, the list outlines the dates for the end of the quarter, progress reports, and report cards. All this information and more can be found on our school website: Calendar - Holy Family Catholic School (

I know that schedules fill up quickly, so I hope that this will allow for families to mark their calendars early!

God Bless,

Erin Vu

August 15, 2024

“Whenever you begin any good work, you should first of all make a most pressing appeal to Christ our Lord to bring it to perfection.” - Saint Benedict

Dear Parents,

The first week of school is a season of transition as all our students, faculty, staff, and parents adjust to the new routine of a school year. The start of this year is not different. I am so glad to see our students arrive each morning, and the sounds of laughter and learning are a joy to have on campus!

Thursday's Mass was beautiful. It was a blessing to see our students join together in prayer as we begin our school year. I also enjoyed seeing many of our former students in their Savio uniforms. They are getting so grown up!

Each Friday, our students can choose to wear any Holy Family t-shirt, polo, or sweatshirt. This may include items purchased through our spirit wear shop, club shirts, sports shirts, or previous event shirts such as an old Run with the Angels shirt. Students are still required to wear all the other components of the uniform, and shirts need to be tucked into their shorts or skirts.

We invite all our families to review the school handbook for this year. The handbook can be located on our school website. Each year, the handbook is reviewed and updated. Here are the sections of the handbook where there were updates this year:

School hours and supervision, page 7
Arrival and dismissal procedures, page 7
Bad weather closings, page 11
Attendance policy, page 14-15
Bullying and harassment policy, page 19-20
Holy Family School Discipline, page 22-24
School Uniform policy, page 26-27
The curricular program for students in grades 6-8, page 29
Report card schedule, page 20
Learning differences policy, page 32
Criteria for advanced classes, page 33
Tuition and fee policies, page 39

As we approach the end of our first week, I hope you and your family find time for rest!


God Bless,

Erin Vu

“The lives of the saints are nothing, but the Gospel put into practice.” St. Francis de Sales

August 5, 2024

Dear Parents, 
This week, we are so excited to welcome our families to the Kick-Off!

Important Dates

August 8: Kick-Off: Parent Association Meeting 
August 9: Open House 
August 12: 1st Day of School 
PK-4: 8:00-3:20
5-8: 8:00-3:30 

Faculty Update
Throughout the summer, the interview committee has been working to support the hiring
process at Holy Family. Here is an update about the positions which are currently open:

PE Teacher: Mr. Ligon
School Counselor: open
Reading Specialist: open
Facilities Assistant: finalist for the position.

If you know someone who feels called to service as a counselor or part-time reading
specialist, please invite them to apply. We are still looking for mission-driven people in those
two positions.  

1st Grade
Last week, Mrs. Heath unexpectedly resigned from her 1st grade position for personal
reasons. Due to the late teacher resignation, and the current number enrolled in 1st grade, we
will start with two full classes. We will monitor applications, and if there are additional
numbers, will review adding another teacher for second semester.

1st Grade
Last week, Mrs. Heath unexpectedly resigned from her 1st grade position for personal
reasons. Due to the late teacher resignation, and the current number enrolled in 1st grade, we
will start with two full classes. We will monitor applications, and if there are additional
numbers, will review adding another teacher for second semester.

New Faculty Welcome
I would like to introduce two of our new teachers who will be starting at Holy Family next
week. Please join me in welcoming our teachers!

Teacher Assistant: Andrea Paez joins the faculty with a few years of early childhood
experience as both an assistant and lead teacher in an early childhood program. She has
a certification as a childhood development associate from CDA Council.

 "I have been part of the Holy Family community as a parent since 2018. I am humbled to
have the opportunity to give back to our school. I know first-hand what an important
role positive educators have in our children’s lives, and it has been a true blessing to find
that here. I look forward to working in a faith centered environment while supporting our
students in their academic journeys." - Ms. Paez

PE Teacher: Abraham Ligon joins the faculty with 12 years of teaching experience with
children of all ages. Most recently he has been a physical education teacher and coach at
the high school and middle school level. Mr. Ligon earned his Bachelor of Science in
Kinesiology from Texas College, and he is a certified PE and Health teacher for students
early childhood to grade 12.

"I am very excited for the opportunity to be at Holy Family. I am committed to creating
lifelong learners and future leaders who can meaningfully interact with the world
around them." - Mr. Ligon 

Play Space Update
After reaching out to the company numerous times, with several broken promises on delivery
and installation dates, we are pivoting to provide play area activities for students during the
first week of school.
In order to provide opportunities for the students to play and interact with each other during
recess, the leadership team has designed a new plan. In addition to the field games that the
students enjoyed last year, we will have designated play zones for badminton, corn hole, jump
ropes, and four square, to name a few. An update on the plan will be provided at a later date.
Please feel welcome to reach out if you have questions!

God Bless, 
Erin Vu 





“The lives of the saints are nothing, but the Gospel put into practice.” St. Francis de Sales

July 26, 2024

Dear Parents, 
Next week, we will welcome the faculty back to campus! It is hard to believe that the start of
the school year is around the corner. We are looking forward to welcoming the students back
to campus soon! 

Important Dates

August 8: Kick-Off: Parent Association Meeting 
August 9: Open House 
August 12: 1st Day of School 
PK-4: 8:00-3:20
5-8: 8:00-3:30 

Faculty Update
Throughout the summer, the interview committee has been working to support the hiring process at Holy Family. Here is an update of the positions which are currently open:

1st Grade Teacher: job offer accepted
PE Teacher: finalist for the position
School Counselor: open
Reading Specialist: open
Facilities Assistant: finalist for the position

If you know someone who feels called to service as a counselor or part-time reading specialist, please invite them to apply. We are still looking for mission-driven people in those two positions. 

New Faculty Welcome
I would like to introduce two of our new teachers who will be starting at Holy Family next week. Please join me in welcoming our teachers!

1st Grade Teacher: Maria Mena joins the faculty with five years of elementary teaching experience including previously teaching 1st grade. She has a BA from the University of Texas, and she is a certified teacher for early childhood to grade 6, as well as a certified teacher in bilingual education.

Two years into my teaching career, I began studying more about my Catholic Faith. Since then, I have been confirmed, baptized both my children, watched my husband convert to Catholicism, and convalidated our marriage. As my faith journey continued, I began researching Catholic schools in the greater Austin area. After touring several schools, I believe Holy Family Catholic School delivers the structure, values and approach to teaching I was searching for. I hope to have a great first year here, and I am looking forward to many years of teaching at Holy Family. 

Middle School Spanish: Alejandra Amador joins the faculty with many years of middle school teaching experience. Most recently she has been a middle school Spanish teacher in Austin. Ms. Amador has a BA from Universidad Centroamerica in Teaching English as a Second Language.

I wanted to join the Holy Family community because I want to be part of an institution that cares about children and focuses not only on education but on spiritual growth. I believe that teaching can make a positive impact on children's lives. I hope to be a humble example and leave a legacy of faith to my students. I'm very excited to join your community this year and be able to do what I truly love, which is to guide children to learn Spanish in a safe and positive environment. 

Play Space Update
After reaching out, I have not received confirmation for the installation date as of today. I will share an update with the date as soon as I have received it from Heartland. 

Please feel welcome to reach out if you have questions!

God Bless, 
Erin Vu 





"The Eucharist is the supreme proof of the love of Jesus. After this there is nothing more by heaven itself.”

St. Peter Julian Eymar

June 28, 2024

Dear Parents,

This year, we will be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Holy Family!  Twenty-five years ago, a prayer became a reality as the school was founded. Over the last 25 years, many people have given their time, talent, and treasure to this wonderful community. This year, we will have many opportunities to celebrate our beautiful school's Silver Anniversary.

Additionally, during the 2024/2025 school year, our theme will be Food for the Journey. During the year, we will work to grow in holiness by focusing on the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and building a strong relationship with Jesus. We will continue to celebrate the Mass weekly as we strive to grow in holiness, and we will spend time before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament during our schoolwide Adoration. As a special connection to our theme, we will reflect on a different Eucharistic miracle each month.

This newsletter is full of important information for the fall, and it is lengthy. For your convenience, the e-newsletter can be found on our school website. We know emails can get lost in the inbox, and we hope this will help families retrieve important information later. If you are reading this newsletter on your phone, please note that some phones will not allow you to read the entire newsletter without clicking and opening the newsletter in a separate window.

As you review this summer newsletter, I hope that you will find answers to questions that may be stirring in your hearts. If you have additional inquiries, our team is here to help! Please do not hesitate to reach out.

God Bless,

Erin Vu





June 14, 2024

Dear Holy Family Community,

As the year concludes, we have an opportunity to reflect on the 2023/24 school year and prepare and plan for the future of Holy Family Catholic School. This year, we used 5Cs to focus our work. Over the year, there were several accomplishments that 
impacted the momentum of the school.

Accomplishments during the 2023/2024 school year:
Christ-Centered Culture
• Developed a liturgy team to plan and implement the faith initiatives at Holy Family. The team was composed of members of the faculty, administration, and parents. 
• Began a monthly theme for the school year: Walk with Mary to focus on the different Marian Apparitions. 
• Began a monthly time for students to pray before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament during the whole school Adoration. 
• Implemented a Father’s Day event with a retreat and blessing for dads.
• Implemented a Mother’s Day event with a May Crowning for Mother Mary and a special blessing for our earthly mothers.
• Reviewed the virtue program and aligned it to the discipline process by implementing the Education in Virtue reflection process.
• Implemented the schoolwide guidance program, The Positivity Project, that promoted kindness to others and identifying strengths in themselves and others. 
Championing Student Success
• Provided coaching for all faculty at Holy Family focused on supporting the development of differentiation within the classroom. 
• Provided professional development sessions at faculty meetings, professional development days, and their off-campus experiences that support the development of skills to meet the many different learners at our school. 

Examples of professional development sessions included:
o Classroom management
o DIBELS training for PK-4
o Thinking in Math 
o Developing centers
o Differentiation
o Supporting students' needs
o Technology in the classroom
• Began scheduling opportunities for specific teachers to observe one another. 
• Implemented the aligned phonics program in grade 2. The Fundations program is now 
used in grades K-2. 
• Restructured the Student Success Team at Holy Family to include a learning support specialist in Pk-4, a learning support specialist in 5-8, and a full-time learning support assistant. 
• Opened the Student Success Center and developed a system for supporting the learning needs of students in the classroom by creating a structure which promotes a team approach.
• Began a pilot program to support extension opportunities for students. 
• The Wisdom Building was completed. There is now a permanent learning space for students in grades 5-6 as well as elementary Spanish, technology, middle school art, and 
• Initiated the first Kid’s College opportunity for Holy Family from June 10-14 and June 17-21.

• Implemented the “School Within a School” model to include a principal, an 
assistant principal for PK-4, and an assistant principal for 5-8. 
• Implemented a leadership team within the campus with includes representatives from each grade level, specials teachers, student success, and the administrative team.
• Supported teachers who are new to Holy Family by designing and implementing a formal mentor program.
• Restructured the PSIA program to engage parents and encourage more students to participate. This year, 113 students participated in the PSIA program, and 26 parents and teachers served as coaches.
• The kidney tables to support small group lessons have arrived to campus. They are being installed to prepare for the 2024/2025 school year's opening. These came from Fund-ANeed resources. 
• The school golf cart was purchased and received in May. This came from Fund-A-Need 

• Initiated weekly communication from the grade level to the parents highlighting the important information happening within the grade level. 
• A structure for increased communication among faculty and staff was initiated by scheduling weekly grade-level meetings with an administrator and learning support staff member.
• Surveyed families to learn about whether there was a need to communicate to families in a language other than English. 
• Engaged in training in the fall regarding confidentiality and how to navigate questions that go beyond confidentiality. 
• Worked with the administration team and the board to draft a communication plan that will be shared in the fall. 

As we review the accomplishments of the past year, there is still work to be done! Over the next several years, Holy Family will be working to support the development of the following areas. Within the key areas are major goals. The work over the next few years will guide us. 
Governance Structure and Leadership
• Goal and Next Steps: Enhance administrative leadership structures, governance effectiveness, and explore opportunities for collaboration and growth.
Financial Management and Sustainability
• Goal and Next Steps: Ensure financial stability and sustainability through proactive budget forecasting, timely reporting, collaboration with the Advancement Office, and exploration of endowment fund options.
Advancement and Fund Development
• Goal and Next Steps: Strengthen institutional advancement efforts to support the school's mission and financial sustainability through the establishment of an Advancement Committee, annual review and update of the Advancement Plan, collaboration with the Business Office, and promotion of long-term giving options.
Catholic Mission, Identity, and Culture
• Goal and Next Steps: Foster a strong sense of mission, identity, and community at Holy Family Catholic School (HFCS) through the ongoing efforts of the Mission and Identity Committee, the development of a comprehensive written plan, implementation of 
school-wide initiatives to increase student engagement and respect, and the cultivation of collaborative relationships with key stakeholders.
Academic Excellence
• Goal and Next Steps: Enhance academic excellence at Holy Family Catholic School (HFCS) through the development and implementation of a comprehensive curriculum plans, pacing guides, student support models, professional development programs, and technology plans.
Student Activities and Programs
• Goal and Next Steps: Enhance student engagement, enrichment, and well-being through the review and optimization of athletic programs, student clubs and activities, and innovative educational initiatives at Holy Family Catholic School (HFCS).
Facilities, Grounds and Beautification
• Goal and Next Steps: Enhance the quality and functionality of facilities and grounds at Holy Family Catholic School (HFCS) through the update and implementation of the Facilities and Grounds Master Plan.
Communication and Marketing
• Goal and Next Steps: Enhance communication and marketing efforts at Holy Family Catholic School (HFCS) through the review and optimization of staffing, establishment of a Communication and Marketing Committee, development and review of the Communication and Marketing Plan, and continued publication of "The Sentinel" and Annual Report Document.

We pray everyone has a fun, safe, and blessed summer break. 

God Bless.

Mrs. Erin Vu






“Prayer is the key that opens the heart of God.” Padre Pio

June 6, 2024

Dear Parents, 
I hope you are enjoying the first few days of summer vacation. Now that the students are home, the campus is a little quieter. During June, our administrative team and office staff are preparing for the new school year, which will be here before we know it! 
There are a few key pieces of information that I would like to share with you as our summer begins. 

Important Dates

End of June: Summer E-Newsletter - this will have important information for all families to review in preparation for the new school year. 
August 8: Kick-Off: Parents Association Meeting 
August 9: Open House 
August 12: 1st Day of School 

Dismissal Time for 24/25 School Year
Beginning August 12, the school day for students in PK-4 will end at 3:20 p.m. Students will plan to be in the gym by 3:20 for dismissal to begin promptly at 3:20. 

The school day for students in grades 5-8 will end at 3:30 p.m. At 3:30, the students will leave the Wisdom and Hope Buildings to arrive at the gym after the dismissal bell. This means that the carline will begin around 3:35 p.m. 

Many families have students at both Holy Family and Savio, so the dismissal change allows for an aligned calendar between the two campuses. Our students must have a specific number of minutes in their school year. By moving the dismissal back 5 minutes, we will no longer have school days when Savio is off from school. 

Campus Updates

Based on feedback from faculty, students, and parents, there is a shift in the structure for the students in grades 5-8. Students in grade 5 will have three different core teachers, and they will rotate as a cohort among the teachers during their day. They will also take exploratory classes in art, music, physical education, Spanish, and STEM. The structure is intended to help students have a transition year before middle school. During this time, the students will develop executive functioning and organizational skills in preparation for middle school. 

The middle school model will include grades 6-8. The students will continue to have block scheduling, but the students will have more choices. In adjusting to a course catalog with more options for students, the administration team worked with Savio to create a process that complements the high school process.

Here are the highlighted changes:   
The courses now include an accelerated English course for students in grades 7 and 8. 
The Spanish courses will cover the standards required for high school Spanish 1 over 2
years, and then students will take a course covering the standards required for Spanish 2.  
Students in 6th grade will choose electives. 
Students engaged in athletic co-curriculars can use that to fulfill the required physical
education credit, enabling them to select two other elective courses. 

Families are welcome to review the full course catalog HERE.

Uniforms and Uniform Policy
HERE is the uniform policy for the 2024-2025 school year.  
Please note that uniform items are required to be purchased directly through the vendor, Flynn O’Hara. There are other items that can be purchased elsewhere. When purchasing the required items, please note that the Angel Boutique sells gently used items. The Angel Boutique will be open during the summer and throughout the school year.
July 20 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 
August 10 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 
For more information, please visit the homepage of the school website:   When purchasing through Flynn O’Hara, place orders no later than early July to ensure the uniforms arrive before the start of the school year. 

Kid’s College
There is still time to register for Kid’s College. We have some openings for sessions. Families are welcome to invite a friend or family member to join in the fun! The courses now include an accelerated English course for students in grades 7 and 8.  The Spanish courses will cover the standards required for high school Spanish 1 over 2 years, and then students will take a course covering the standards required for Spanish 2.  Students in 6th grade will choose electives.  Students engaged in athletic co-curriculars can use that to fulfill the required physical education credit, enabling them to select two other elective courses. 

Summer Reading
The summer reading program is available, and the required books for grades 5-8 can be found
on the list. The summer reading link can be accessed on the homepage of the school website:  
Reading is one of the best ways to help our children stay engaged in learning over the summer. Whether your child reads alone, you read together, or listen to an audiobook, I hope you enjoy reading this summer. 

Math Practice
Families are encouraged to engage in math learning over the summer. Students continue to have access to their IXL accounts, and this is a great place for students to practice math skills based on their readiness level.   Baking, puzzles, and logic games are also great ways to engage students in math over the summer! 

Please feel welcome to reach out if you have questions!

God Bless, 
Erin Vu






“Whenever you begin any good work, you should first of all make a most pressing appeal to Christ our Lord to bring it to perfection.” St. Benedict

May 23, 2024

Dear Families,

On Tuesday, we bid farewell to our 8th-grade students. Fr. Tom celebrated Mass with the students and families, and he reminded the students that while they depart from Holy Family that we are all together as the Body of Christ when we come together for the Mass. He also challenged our students to trust in the Lord. As our 8th-grade students depart for high school, let us pray for them that they continue to trust in the Lord and grow in virtue.  

This has been a busy week, but it has been filled with many graces. The 1st-grade vocabulary parade showcased the new terms that the students have learned this year. The field day was a day filled with games, running, jumping, and laughter. The kindergarten writer’s showcase allowed parents to see how much our youngest authors have learned this year. Our last school Mass was the highlight of today, with our community praying for one another.  

Tomorrow, we will have our last day of school. As we conclude our school year, I hope that we will continue to pray for one another as we prepare for the transition to summer break. Tomorrow, families will receive information about the summer reading program.

God Bless,

Erin Vu 




“Whenever you begin any good work, you should first of all make a most pressing appeal to Christ our Lord to bring it to perfection.” St. Benedict

May 16, 2024

Dear Families,

Last week, the elementary music classes hosted class performances where they showcased the lessons they learned during the year. It was a blast to see the students sing, dance, jump, and play instruments. The elementary students have so much creativity, and it was beautiful to see them work together to create music!

This week, our middle school students showcased their talents. It was such a gift to see the theater class perform a mystery. Also, the band, orchestra, and choir students performed their pieces for the students and families in a school and evening performance. The groups played music from the movies and band marches; the audience enjoyed the different pieces. I thoroughly enjoyed the performances which highlighted the many talents of our students.  

The students have grown so much over the year in all their classes. As we begin to wrap-up the year, there are many ways that the achievements of the students have been highlighted, from the middle school awards assembly this morning to the presentation of the 3rd place PSIA state championship trophy yesterday.  

As we approach the end of the year, there is still more to come. Next week, families are invited to witness the fun of field day on Wednesday, our final school Mass on Thursday, and the parent social on Friday.

God Bless,

Erin Vu 






“The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus." - St. John Vianney

May 9, 2024

Dear Families,

Each week, we are so blessed to have priests and deacons who come to our school and celebrate Mass with our students. The Eucharist is the Source and Summit of our faith, and we cannot have our school Mass without the loving service of our priests.  

Next week, we will be thanking all the clergy who have celebrated Mass with our students this year. If your student would like to thank our priests by drawing a picture or making a card, please bring the cards to the office by Tuesday afternoon. Then, we will be sharing the notes of appreciation with our clergy at a special luncheon on Wednesday.  

As May continues, we continue to celebrate our teachers and our school nurse. Our teachers work so hard to help our students grow and learn. Mrs. Guzman works to help keep our students and teachers healthy! Thank you to all our families who have showered our faculty and staff with love and appreciation this week.

Today, we thank our volunteers. Many of the events that happen at Holy Family would not be possible without our volunteers. Thank you to our volunteers for welcoming new families, attending field trips, hosting the NET ministry adults, coaching PSIA, assisting in the office, setting up before events, helping during an event, and cleaning up after an event, to name a few ways that our volunteers have helped make our school an amazing place. I am so thankful for the servant leadership and countless hours of assistance this year.

God Bless,

Erin Vu 






“Our good Jesus always puts grace where He puts sacrifice.” - St. Leonie Aviat

May 2, 2024 

Dear Parents,

As we begin May, the year is not over yet! This month will be busy with 8th-grade commencement, field day, and other fun traditions. Even with all this fun, it is important to remember that there are still many learning opportunities yet to come as well. I invite our students to remain focused on learning during these last few weeks and to enjoy the moments of fun too. Please visit the school calendar for a full list of all the great activities happening this month!  

Calendar - Holy Family Catholic School (

God Bless,

Erin Vu 


“Teach by works more than words.” St. Teresa of Avila

April 18, 2024

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow, the students do not have classes due to the professional development day for our faculty and staff. We hope that all of our students enjoy the day off after a busy week of MAP testing!  

Have you ever wondered what the faculty does when we have a scheduled professional development day? The short answer is that the faculty participates in learning opportunities to grow as an educator.

During the professional development days, we learn about topics related to our faith, teaching the content that students learn, developing strategies and skills to support students in the classroom, and collaborating with one another.

Tomorrow, the elementary teachers will be trained on using a screener called the DIBELS. This screener is used to help inform how students are learning phonics and reading skills. The middle school teachers will spend time reviewing student expectations on campus and work to build common expectations for the many areas of the campus that the students use at school. In the afternoon, the teachers will attend sessions that will be led by different faculty and staff members. Topics will range from using different online tools to support instruction, building extension activities in the classroom, and supporting math instruction in the classroom.  

Our teachers are lifelong learners and are always looking for new ways to support the students in their classrooms. I am thankful for the dedication of our teachers, and I am excited to learn alongside them tomorrow.

God Bless,

Erin Vu 






“I desire that the whole world know My infinite mercy. I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in My mercy.” Jesus to Saint Faustina

April 4, 2024

Dear Parents,

Alleluia! He is Risen! Alleluia! This is a week of joyous celebration as we continue to celebrate the Easter Octave. During this season, we are reminded of God’s love for us, and we are thankful for His divine mercy for us!

During this week, we have welcomed the NET team who have been leading retreats for our students in grades 6, 7, and 8. The NET team is a group of young adults who travel the country and spread the message of Jesus’ love to young people through retreats. These retreats are a time for our middle school students to have an authentic encounter with the Lord.  

As a gentle reminder, the final MAP tests will begin on April 15. More information about your child’s testing schedule will be shared in the grade-level newsletters. Also, April 19 is a professional development day for teachers. Students do not have school on the 19th.  

God Bless,

Erin Vu 





What could Jesus Christ refuse St. Joseph, who never refused him anything during his mortal life on earth?”  St. Augustine

March 21, 2024

Dear Families,

As we begin the 4th quarter of the school year, the days are becoming longer, and the weather is getting warmer. It can be tempting to look beyond the last nine weeks and dream of days playing, traveling, and relaxing.  

During this final quarter, I invite all of us to remain in the present. Let us work toward listening to where God is calling us to be right now. I am guilty of planning and worrying about the future and things to come, but I believe these final days of Lent and this final quarter of school are an invitation to remain fixed on what God is calling us to do today. Is there a kind word that I can extend to someone else? Is there a task that I can accomplish for the good of others? Is there a moment of silence that is an invitation for prayer?  

As we reflect on the present, thank you to all our dads and father figures who came to our celebration this morning. We are thankful for the presence of our dads and father figures who model growing in holiness. This evening, I look forward to seeing you at the STEM Night!

God Bless,

Erin Vu 

Erin Vu 

March 8, 2024

Dear Parents,

It was wonderful to see the students in PK-4 perform in the “Sound in Motion” show. I would also like to congratulate the students in the One Act Play who won 1st place at the state competition yesterday!

The registration period for Kid’s College is officially open! All Holy Family students will have priority registration through March 22nd. Session selections will be assigned based on the order in the registration is submitted. Each session has a cap, so please do not delay. Forms should be submitted electronically to Mrs. Walker by emailing or by turning them in to Mrs. Flores in the Grace Building.  

Today, we added a few more sessions to the Course Catalog for the students to choose. Please see the Course Catalog for more details about Kid’s College by clicking on this link. The registration form is attached.

I hope you have a great spring break!




March 7, 2024

Dear Families,

This week, I am excited to share new information about Kid’s College. The Holy Family Catholic School Kid's College is where kids can come and pursue their interests. Like college, scholars will have the freedom to select sessions. Scholars are invited to explore a new skill, engage in an interest, and learn. Sessions include a range of options, from music to math to traveling adventures to fairytales,  STEM and so much more! Here is the Course Catalogue.  

Sessions are open to students who will be entering grades K-8 next year. Students entering grades 7 and 8 are invited to participate in our Master Classes. These classes will help students to refine their skills within specific areas of focus.  


Dates: June 10-14 and June 17-21

AM Session: 9:00 am – 11:30 am

PM Session: 12:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Session Cost: $125 per session

Scholars who choose the AM and PM session during the same week will have a lunch and stretch break from 11:30-12:30. Registration for Kid’s College will open tomorrow, and the registration information will be sent via email. I anticipate that sessions will fill up fast, so do not delay! Priority registration will be given to Holy Family students until March 22nd.  

As we depart for spring break, I hope that you and your family have a wonderful time! Please know of my prayers for you whether you are traveling far or staying home.  


God Bless,

Erin Vu






February 29, 2024

Dear Families,

The last few weeks have been filled with celebrations and recognitions for our students at Holy Family. Our students are growing in their heart, mind, body, and soul.

Congratulations to our students who participated in the PSIA District Meet. The school won 1st place, and many of our students will compete in the state competition in April. 
Congratulations to the One Act Play who earned 2nd place at the District Meet. The group will compete in the state competition next week. 
Congratulations to our 5/6 6A girls' basketball team who won the CAPPS championship. 
Congratulations to Ellie and Sydney for their outstanding science fair projects. Both of our 8th grade students had great projects. 
Congratulations to the recipients of the St. Thomas Aquinas Award from Holy Family: A.J., Alan, Bennett, and Daniela.

I am so proud of all our students as they use their gifts and talents!

As we continue to celebrate our community, we will be praying a Novena to St. Joseph beginning on Monday, March 4. This will culminate on Thursday, March 21 and we will celebrate our dads on the same day. I hope to see many of our dads join us on March 21 for our Father’s Day celebration. Dads are invited to enjoy Food, Fellowship, and Fun from 8:00-11:00 a.m. Our celebration will include breakfast, a mini-retreat, and school Mass at 10 a.m. where our dads will receive a special blessing.

We also hope to see our families at the STEM night on March 21 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. There will be science fair projects on display, interactive tables, and STEM professionals. This is a great event for the whole family as we celebrate STEM at Holy Family!

God Bless,

Erin Vu

The third quarter ends on Friday, March 8th. Report cards will be sent home electronically on Thursday, March 21st.





February 22, 2024

“Every good and perfect gift is from above” James 1:17

Dear families,

This week, students brought home their individual MAP scores for the winter test. The test is used to measure a student’s learning progress over time, and it also provides information regarding the skills that a child is ready to learn.  

As a school, we have the ability to review our scores in comparison to the national average as well as the diocesan average. The graphs compare the winter scores from the students at Holy Family with the mean (average) in the Diocese of Austin and the Nation for each grade level that takes the test.

The MAP test is the same test that all schools use in the Diocese of Austin. The MAP test is taken three times per year, and the next tests will be taken in April.  

As you can see from these bar graph illustrations, at Holy Family, every grade level in each content area is performing above the National levels and above the Diocesan levels.  

The Math and Reading MAP tests are given to students in grades 1-8.   

If you have individual questions about your child’s individual MAP scores, please reach out to your child’s teacher.  

God Bless,

Erin Vu 





December 5, 2023

Dear Parents,
As the first week of Advent begins, I pray that you and your family are experiencing the hope of this
season. This is a busy season with many school events, and the students are looking forward to the
Christmas break which will be here soon. Today, I wanted to share an update about a few important
things that have been happening on campus.

Play Space Update
The beautiful green space is now ready for students to use! Following the Thanksgiving break, the
students have been using the new play space for their recess.
Yesterday, we received word from the playground company that our playground has not shipped yet.
The company stated that the structure is taking longer to build due to the high number of playground
orders. The company has promised to communicate as soon as the structure has been shipped. Once I
have received word that the product has shipped, I will share that with our families.
Following the confirmation that the structure has been shipped, the next step will be to confirm the
installation of the structure. The installation will include the playground flooring, play structure,
sunshade, and gaga pit. I enjoy seeing our students use the field, and I am excited to see the completion of the play structure.

Music Program Additions
Due to generous donations from a previous Fund-A-Need for the arts, 2 beautiful pianos have arrived
to campus. Additionally, we have purchased a rolling stand for the xylophones, metallophones, and
glockenspiels. This allows for students in both music rooms to use these great instruments.

Campus Safety Update
Due to a federal grant called GAPS funding, our school has been able to upgrade our security.
When visitors come to campus, they are now asked to login using SchoolPass. Volunteers and visitors
will receive a printed visitor badge that has a photo as well as a clearly printed label with the
individuals name, intended location, date, and time.

Additionally, the school has been upgrading the camera security system. At Holy Family, an audit
identified blind spots as well as cameras that were no longer working. Over the past few weeks, many
of the new cameras have been installed. The project is not completed yet, but during the next few
weeks, the final cameras will be installed.

The cameras will now be combined on one network which can be monitored by designated staff to
support the safety on campus. The cameras capture the movements of individuals on campus. The
security team has access to the cameras to monitor the campus in real-time, and recorded
footage can be used to identify people and/or cars if needed.

The installation of a badge swipe system throughout the campus has been scheduled too. This will
allow faculty and staff to gain access into the different buildings at Holy Family. This project will be
completed soon.

God Bless,
Erin Vu


November 9, 2023

Dear families,

Last Friday evening, after I got home and put my children to bed, I had a little bit of time to quietly reflect on my day. I was honestly speechless and filled with gratitude. The entire day was filled with little moments of blessings, and it took me time to be able to describe the beautiful moments that I witnessed throughout our day together. Today, I thought I would share a few of the highlights from Friday:

In the Hope Building, students wrote the Our Father in many of the languages that are spoken in Africa. The display created a visual reminder that regardless of the language that we speak, we all pray the same prayer to the same God.  
During the Cultural Fashion Show, it was great to see so many students proudly parade through the pavilion. I enjoyed watching siblings walk together showcasing their clothing with pride. 

At the spirit rally, the students practiced saying hello in multiple languages. The sounds of bonjour, привет (privet), hola, and 你好 (nǐhǎo) echoed through the pavilion. 

All these moments happened before the Taste of the World event, which was one of my favorite parts of the day.  

In my opinion, food unites people. There is something special to share a dish with another person, whether you are enjoying something yummy or making something special. I really enjoyed tasting the dishes from each country that was present. The dishes were made and shared with love. I also enjoyed listening to stories, seeing photos, and looking at the different saints from various countries.  

To all the families who shared, thank you. To all the families who came, thank you. I was deeply humbled to see our community come together to celebrate the beautiful gifts that each person brings to Holy Family. I hope that this will be the start of a new celebration!

God Bless,

Erin Vu 

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Dear families,

Over the past few weeks, I have witnessed so many amazing examples of collaboration on our campus. I am so thankful to see the witness of loving service from our families, faculty, and staff.  

Earlier this month, the Eucharistic Rally for students in grades 6-8 was a beautiful day for students across the diocese to experience the love of Jesus. This day ran smoothly thanks to the parents who organized, set up, and served.  

For the Eat-N-Treat, I was so thankful to see the collaboration between the Parent Association, the Holy Family clubs, and the Savio athletics and clubs. With the weather, everyone was so flexible. The event was a great success, and I heard so many happy students who enjoyed hot dogs, games, and candy.

Yesterday, there were beautiful moments of collaboration across the campus as everyone helped build special memories for our students on the Solemnity of All Saints. Thank you to the parents who helped with the sixth-grade Saint expo, decorated heaven in kindergarten, and ran the second-grade stations.

Tomorrow is another opportunity to collaborate! The hallways are filled with research about different countries, and the students are all excited about tasting the delicious dishes tomorrow night. I hope to see many of our families celebrate the beautiful cultures that form our Holy Family Catholic School community at the 1st ever Taste of the World event.  

God Bless,

Erin Vu 

Understanding Map scores with Mrs. Vu

“Every good and perfect gift is from above” James 1:17

Dear families,

Last week, students brought home their individual MAP scores for the fall test. The test is used to measure a student’s learning progress over time, and it also provides information regarding the skills that a child is ready to learn.  

As a school, we have the ability to review our scores in comparison to the national average as well as the diocesan average. The graphs compare the fall scores from the students at Holy Family with the mean (average) in the Diocese of Austin and the Nation for each grade level that takes the test.  

The MAP test is the same test that all schools use in the Diocese of Austin. The MAP test is taken three times per year, and the next tests will be taken in January.  

As you can see from these bar graph illustrations, at Holy Family, every grade level in each content area is performing above the National levels and at or above the Diocesan levels.  

The Math and Reading MAP tests are given to students in grades 1-8.

Math MAP Mean Scores Fall 2023
Reading MAP Mean Scores Fall 2023
Language MAP Mean Scores Fall 2023
Science MAP Mean Scores Fall 2023

Next week, I will share more information about the schoolwide fall MAP scores.  

God Bless,

Erin Vu 

October 5, 2023

“Where the Rosary is recited, there will be days of peace and tranquility.” St. John Bosco

Dear Families,

As we begin the month of October, we begin our month-long focus on Our Lady of the Rosary. On Monday, the students joined to pray the Rosary in the pavilion. The students in 7th and 8th grade sat in a circle on the ground as the other children sat around them. As one student prayed the Our Father or Hail Mary, the student released a balloon into the air. Slowly, our prayers and the balloons on a string went up toward the heavens.

I am excited to share that our second-grade class has taken on a special initiative this month. They are inviting one family each night to pray the Rosary as a way of ensuring that this beautiful prayer is offered every evening throughout October. This initiative is a wonderful example of how our school community is continuing to build a Christ-centered culture.

As we continue to celebrate the Month of the Rosary, I encourage all of our families to take some time to pray the Rosary together at home. Parents are also invited to join other parents in praying the Rosary on Friday after the school day starts. Praying the Rosary is a practice that can strengthen our bond as a school community and deepen our connection to Our Lady of the Rosary.

If you have any questions or need guidance on how to pray the Rosary as a family, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated staff, who would be happy to support you.

May Our Lady of the Rosary intercede for us and guide us in our journey of faith.

God Bless,

Erin Vu 

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” Saint Mother Teresa

Dear Families,

I am not a runner, but I love watching cross-country races. There is something special about watching a runner make the last turn in a course. Often, when the runner sees the finish line in the distance, a sudden burst of energy propels the athlete forward. In the face of exhaustion, the runner pumps her arms and gathers speed as she pushes through to the end.

This past weekend, Holy Family hosted the Angel Invitational. It takes so many volunteers to help make the event a success. The parent volunteers and coaches began setting up on Friday night, and the final volunteers wrapped up their responsibilities long after the last runner crossed the finish line.

The campus was filled with people to support this event including the Angels 4 Life who ran the concession stand, the student council, and the cheerleaders rallying the athletes, the parents, and so many of our teachers who came out to enjoy the race.

Thank you to everyone who helped to make the Angel Invitational truly a community event, where we came together to do something great!

There are many other events on the horizon in the next few weeks. From the Spirit Night (9/29) to the Balloon Rosary for Life (10/2) to the Supper with Sisters and Jesus (10/6), there are so many opportunities to come together as a Holy Family community.

For more information on all our upcoming events, please visit the school calendar: Calendar - Holy Family Catholic School

God Bless,

Erin Vu 


A message from Holy Family Catholic School (HFCS) Principal, Erin Vu  

"Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence.” 
St. Francis de Sales

Dear Families,
During the 2023/2024 school year, our school will focus on walking with Mary. It is exciting to share that 
we will spend time reflecting on different titles and images of Our Lady. Mary has appeared throughout 
the world to specific people at a specific time. This year, we will highlight one Marian title per month as 
we learn about the message that Mary shared and reflect on how her message connects with us today.

I invite you to join us in our reflections this year as we walk with Mary toward holiness. Each month, 
please visit the Grace Building to see our new image of Mary and be on the lookout for reflections about 
Mary under the title for the month. 

While she has appeared all over the world, she has come with one purpose: to bring us closer to Jesus. 
Mary is our mother too, and this year, we will look to our mother in the hope that we too can magnify 
God through our life. We will ask Mary to pray for us as we walk with her on the path to holiness.

God Bless,
Erin Vu


Dear Families,

Over the last two weeks, there have been many exciting things happening on campus! The month of June has been a time for preparations for the 23/24 school year. Yesterday, pallets of textbooks arrived which are ready to be sorted and brought to the classrooms. I hope you are enjoying the time off with your families, and you continue to be in my prayers during the summer.  

Administration Update

Andrea (Andie) Masanda, April Morley, and I have begun to meet and collaborate in preparation for the fall. In addition to redesigning our leadership team, we have also been working on preparations for the new school year including the new mentor program for all new faculty and staff.  

Reminder: Office Closed

The school office will be closed beginning Monday, July 3. The office will re-open on Thursday, July 20.  

Staffing Update

Last week, Mrs. McGrath announced that she will not be returning to Holy Family in the fall and has decided to go back to school. We wish Mrs. McGrath well as she continues her education.

Over the last few weeks, the hiring committee has continued to interview and hire new faculty and staff who are mission driven. We have already hired several new people, and I will highlight the new personnel in the next update on July 7.

The current faculty openings are for the following:

Kindergarten Teacher- still accepting applications

Third Grade Teacher- still accepting applications

Fourth Grade Teacher- still accepting applications

ELA Teacher- still accepting applications

Math Teacher- still accepting applications

The current staff openings are for the following:

Receptionist-interviews in process

Play Space

A committee of parents, teachers, and staff have worked together to design and recommend a design for the play space behind the Charity Building. The recommended design includes a play structure, gaga pit, walking path, open field, irrigation, and picnic tables.  

Over the past month, we have been working with companies to secure the final bids for the design. More information about the timeline for the completion of the work will be shared once in July.  

Survey Update

I am sorry that we did not meet our initial date for sharing the survey data. We are working on reviewing the information with representation from the advisory board and parents, and we will share the information by the end of July.  

Reminder: School Supplies

Once again, Mrs. Walker is ordering and coordinating the school supplies for your children. Here is a message from Mrs. Walker regarding the school supply order:

Holy Family Catholic School will be ordering the 2023-2024 school supplies in bulk again this year. By doing so, we are continuing to take advantage of the cost-saving opportunity to purchase all school supplies through one vendor and have them delivered directly to each classroom in bulk.

It has been a great start to the summer as we continue to prepare for the new school year!

God Bless,

Erin Vu





May 26, 2023 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

On Tuesday, we said goodbye to our 8th grade students at our Commencement Ceremony. Our celebrant for the Mass was Fr. “Mac” McMillan. During the Homily, Fr. Mac gave an example of how he was unexpectedly asked to give the Anointing of the Sick to a man just before coming for the Mass. This meant that he took an alternate route to the Church via Hutto.

Fr. Mac invited the students to consider the unexpected moments as opportunities. He asked that we allow God to work through us when we choose the path that presents itself and not necessarily the path we originally intended to take. As our 8th-grade students begin their high journey, I hope they take the path that God presents even when it may be unexpected.

As we conclude our school year, I hope that your paths this summer bring peace and rest. I hope that all our families will take time to be present to one another this summer. No matter where your travels take you, I pray for your safety and health.

On a practical note, this newsletter does contain the summer reading information. Additionally, some families have asked about IXL (K-4), Mathletics (5-8) and Lexia (K-8). These online programs are available to the students throughout the summer through your child’s Holy Family login. The programs can be found in their “MyApps.” These programs are a great way to continue building skills throughout the summer, and the skills are tailored to your child’s present learning level. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have questions about these online resources.

God Bless,

Erin Vu