Holy Family Catholic School is a regional school that works with parents to nurture the growth of the whole child - spiritually, intellectually, socially, emotionally and p... read more
Holy Family Catholic School holds firm to the core values which define our identity and culture and are the fundamental beliefs that guide the daily life of the school.
Our academic program is guided by the accreditation process for Catholic schools, identified by the Texas Catholic Conference Accreditation Commission.
Holy Family is committed to promoting a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle and supports the physical development of students in physical education classes a... read more
Holy Family guides students to become conscientious, successful members of a global community. There are numerous activities that support the development of students s... read more
Our school enjoys a long history of philanthropic support from current and past school families, as well as the broader community. Their generous contributions have he... read more
Category: Athletics - Volleyball
Date: October 29, 2024
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM